Effects of magnesium sulphate on intraoperative neuromuscular blocking agent requirement: A prospective randomized double blind placebo controlled study

Authors : Aabid Hussain Mir, Juvera Gul Wani, Abida Yousuf, Sheikh Irshad, Zahoor Ahmad Shah

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijca.2019.068

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 355-358

Introduction: Magnesium sulphate has been shown to decrease intraoperative anesthesia, analgesia and muscle relaxant requirements.
Aims: To study the effects of intraoperative magnesium sulphate on requirement of neuromuscular blocking agents.
Setting and Design: This prospective randomized double blind placebo controlled study was conducted in the department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care of a tertiary care centre.
Materials and Methods: 50 patients of ASA physical status I and II were randomly allocated into two groups, magnesium group (Group M) received magnesium sulphate 50 mg.kg-1 intravenously as a bolus in 100 ml of isotonic saline over 10 minutes before induction of anesthesia and 15 mg.kg-1h-1 by continuous infusion during the operation and the control group (Group S) received the same amount of isotonic saline over same time. Atracurium was administered 0.6 mg.kg-1 before intubation and 0.1 mg.kg-1 additionally when train-of-four counts were 2 or more intravenously. The consumption of atracurium was compared in both groups.
Statistical Analysis: The variables were analysed with independent t-test, Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney U- test and chi-square test. P-value<0> Results: The mean consumption of atracurium in group M was 0.35±0.11 mg.kg-1h-1 and group S was 0.47±0.19 mg.kg-1h-1 with p-value<0> Conclusion: Intravenous magnesium sulphate reduces atracurium requirements in patients undergoing abdominal surgeries under general anesthesia.

Keywords: Neuromuscular blocker, Intraoperative, Magnesium, Atracurium.

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