Study of various glycolytic inhibitors for preservation of blood glucose and clinical biochemical parameters

Authors : Jigar Shaherawala, Ketan Mangukiya

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcbr.2019.112

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 535-538

Introduction: Sample for plasma glucose estimation is taken in fluoride Vacutainer and that is to prevent
glycolysis and so that accurate glucose estimation can be done.
Objectives: The objective of the study is to study various glycolytic inhibitors for preservation of blood
glucose and other common clinical biochemical parameters.
Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted at new civil hospital Surat. Study
includes total 100 participants. We have prepared 5 mmol/L DL Glyceraldehydes containing Vacutainer.
Blood sample from all participants were taken in 3 Vacutainer like plain Vacutainer, fluoride Vacutainer
and DL Glyceraldehydes containing Vacutainer. Various biochemical investigations were performed from
all above collected blood samples to see the difference of significant among them by calculating p value. P
value less than 0.05 was considered as a difference of significant.
Results: There is no significant changes in results of glucose between fluoride and glycrealdehyde
containing Vacutainer. Biochemical parameter like SGPT, Creatinine, Total Bilirubin, Albumin,
cholesterol, Total protein, Uric acid, electrolytes also does not show any significant difference between
DL-Glyceraldehyde and plain Vacutainer. The Result of Serum Creatinine was found to be high from
Glyceraldehyde containing Vacutainer as compared to plain Vacutainer and difference among them is
highly significant.(p<0> Conclusion: From our study we would like to conclude that. DL -Glyceraldehyde containing vial for many
biochemistry related parameter analysis is better option as it is save additional use of vaccutte, except for
serum creatinine (by alkaline picrate method). So DL Glycrealdehyde cannot be solely used as alternative
for plain and fluoride containing Vacutainer.

Keywords:  DL-Glyceraldehyde, Glycolysis, Fluoride, Creatinine, Vacutainer.

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