Transpalatal arch modification for posterior unilateral crossbite correction

Authors : Madhulika Gupta, Aftab Azam, Ashish Chauhan, Ragni Tandon, Mrinalini Bansal

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2022.017

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 91-93

Objective: Trans palatal Arch is commonly used as an anchorage device for maintaining the position of molars in the maxillary arch. The constriction of premolars and canines could be corrected with appliances which can be fixed or removable.
Results: The correction was observed within 3 weeks.
Conclusion: The modified Trans palatal Arch is easy to fabricate and gives better treatment outcome in a short span. In this present article we have explained the modification of Trans palatal Arch for unilateral correction of cross bite.

Keywords: Unilateral crossbite, Modified transpalatal arch, Premolar correction

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