Moyamoya – A progressive disorder an update and review

Authors : Saba Khan, Mohd Anas Shaikh, Altamash Shaikh, Mohammad Wais

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpp.2023.016

Volume : 10

Issue : 2

Year : 2023

Page No : 69-72

There is stenosis or narrowing of the internal carotid artery in Moyamoya disease, a relatively rare kind of neurological condition. This may result in illnesses like ischemia, haemorrhage, or even a potentially fatal stroke. It is still unclear what this disease's specific pathogenesis is understood. The Moyamoya disease has a total of six stages. Scientists have not yet developed a drug that can fully treat moyamoya disease because it is such a rare disorder. Surgery is the only approach that works here. But once more, this won't help with finishing the course of treatment. It will only aid in slowing the spread of the disease.

Keywords: Moyamoya, Cerebrovascular disease, Neurological

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