Marsupialization of stensen’s duct: Revisiting sialolith management

Authors : Bhagyashree A. Sagane, Haritosh K. Velankar, Shilpi Agrawal, Cassandra Carvalho, Yessukrishna Shetty,

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijoas.2019.006

Volume : 2

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 111-114

Sialoliths, needless to say, are an extremely common entity for an otorhinolaryngologist. There’s a parade of causation behind the same. Parotid duct stone relatively stands as an uncommon occurrence. Not only proper and timed diagnosis arise as an important factor, but also clinical expertise and diagnostic simplicity play a vital role in providing patient relief.

Keywords: Marsupialization, Stensens duct, Parotid duct, Parotid sialolith, Sialolithiasis, Salivary stone.

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