Serous papillary cystadenofibroma of ovary: A rare entity diagnosed on frozen section

Authors : Lipika Behera, Lipika Behera, Chaitali Patnaik, Chaitali Patnaik, Deepika Mishra, Deepika Mishra, Shwetambari Acharya, Shwetambari Acharya, Shushruta Mohanty, Shushruta Mohanty

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdpo.2022.047

Volume : 7

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 197-200

Ovarian cystadenofibroma are rare slow growing benign epithelial ovarian neoplasms. It usually occurs as solid and cystic component. Most of the tumours are asymptomatic and detected incidentally during abdominal ultrasound for some other purpose. They may mimick malignant neoplasm with their gross appearance and imaging modalities. So a diagnosis of serous papillary cystadenofibroma of ovary on frozen section can save the patient from unwanted extensive surgery. We here in discuss a case of serous papillary cystadenofibroma of ovary in a 45 year old multipara that was diagnosed initially on frozen section and later confirmed on histopathology, thus highlighting the role of frozen section in diagnosis of intraoperative ovarian neoplasms.

Keywords: Benign, Serous papillary cystadenofibroma, Ovary

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