Case report on bilateral cleft palate with protuded premaxilla

Authors : Priyanka Kosare, Priyanka Kosare, Pallavi Madanrao Bobade, Pallavi Madanrao Bobade

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpns.2021.032

Volume : 4

Issue : 4

Year : 2021

Page No : 152-155

Cleft palate (ICD 10-Q 35.9) with Protruding of premaxilla is common feature in patient with bilateral cleft lip and palate it is due to the under trained growth at anterior nasal septal and vomero-premaxillary suture without lateral continuities. Hippocrates (400BC) AND Galen(150AD) mansion cleft lip, but not cleft palate in their writing, Cleft palate –Fanco.(1556), Repair of cleft lip –as early as 255-206 BC in CHINA. The first successful closure of a soft palate defect was reported in 1764 by LEMONNIERa French dentist.

Keywords: Cleft plate, Vomero premaxillary

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