Guided surgery in dental implantology

Authors : Monica Bhadwal

DOI : 10.18231/j.aprd.2019.022

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 92-96

Dental implant surgery requires precise planning due to various anatomic limitations and restorative goals. The greatest challenges in the surgical and the prosthetic stages of dental implant surgery are due to diagnostic failure and poor case planning. With the advent of new technology surgical guides and templates can be fabricated which has made it possible to achieve more reliable agreement between the planned and final position of dental implants. These templates fabricated by sophisticated data acquisition methods and virtual planning software, seat directly on bone. They are preprogrammed with the individual depth and angulation during 3D computer simulation. It has improved preoperative planning reducing the surgical morbidity. This article reviews the concept of virtual planning and procedure of stereolithography for fabrication of surgical templates during implant planning and placement.

Keywords: Dental implant, Guided implant surgery, Surgical guide, Rapid prototyping technology, Stereolithographic template, Radiographic template.

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