An exclusive case report on endodontic management of unusual autarchic morphology of permanent maxillary canine with two canals in single rooted teeth

Authors : Mariyam Belim, Nitin Mirdha, Tarun Gupta, Bobbin Gill, Nirmala Bishnoi

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijce.2019.032

Volume : 4

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 137-139

Root canal treatment is crucial for complete debridement of the 3- dimensional obturation to obtain fluid impervious seal. Root variation in the root canal system can lead to difficult task to the endodontists during the management. For such abnormal variations proper treatment planning should be considered for successful root canal treatment.

Keyword: Maxillary canine, Two Canals, Single root, Root canal treatment.

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