Evaluation of Central Corneal Thickness and clinical ocular profile of Patients presenting with Pseudoexfoliation at a tertiary care centre

Authors : Nishat Sultana, Nishat Sultana, Shalini , Shalini

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2019.126

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 543-551

Introduction: Pseudoexfoliation syndrome is the most common identifiable cause of open angle glaucoma
world-wide. It is a systemic disorder with important eye manifestations.
Aims: To compare central corneal thickness (CCT) in pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX) and
pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (PXG) with the normal eyes.- To document ocular profile of PEX and PXG
Material and Methods: cross- sectional, hospital based observational study done from November 2018-
May 2019. Sixty-five patients each in PEX and PXG were included for detailed study. To compare CCT,
65 age matched normal subjects were enrolled.
Results and Conclusion: The prevalence of PEX and PXG increases with age. It was predominantly
seen in males. Most of the patients had bilateral presentation, with PEX material most commonly
found at pupillary margins. Open angle in most patients but presence of narrow angles in PXG group
was statistically significant than PEX. CCT was thinner in both PEX and PXG than normal which
was statistically significant. Twenty-one patients in PXG group underwent combined cataract surgery and
trabeculectomy owing to high pressure and advanced optic neuropathy.

Keywords: Pseudoexfoliative glaucoma central corneal thickness intraocular pressure.

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