Histopathological study of lesions of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses

Authors : Arpana Kulkarni, Abhinav Shetty, Pooja Pathak

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2020.017

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 88-93

Introduction: The nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are exposed to many environmental pollutants and
pathogens. Exposure to such influences can lead to a variety of lesions primarily affecting the sinonasal
tract. The aim of this study was to find out the incidence, age and sex distribution and to enlist the different
types of lesions of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
Materials and Methods: A study of 122 cases was conducted over a 2 year period. Both retrospective and
prospective cases were included in the study. All relevant clinical details, tissue sections with H&E, special
stains and IHC stains were done whenever necessary.
Result: Out of 122 cases, 98 non-neoplastic cases and 24 neoplastic cases were diagnosed. Maximum n
on-neoplastic cases were detected in the third and fourth decade. Benign lesions were commonly noted in
fourth and seventh decade. Malignant lesions of sinonasal tract commonly afflicted patients of 61 to 70
years of age. Non-neoplastic and benign lesions showed male predominance. Female preponderance was
noted in malignant lesions of sinonasal tract. Among non-ne oplastic lesions, sinonasal polyp (84 cases)
was most prevalent. Maximum proportion of benign lesions were diagnosed as hemangioma (6 cases)
and sinonasal papilloma (5 cases). Among malignant neoplastic lesions, 4 cases were of squamous cell
carcinoma and 3 cases were of malignant melanoma.
Conclusion: A variety of lesions with overlapping clinical features can affect the sinonasal tract.
Histopathology remains the gold standard for establishing the diagnosis in such cases.

Keywords: Nasal cavity, Paranasal sinuses, Sinonasal polyp, Sinonasal papilloma.

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