Management of ankyloglossia by diode LASER - A case report

Authors : Akhil S, Jose Paul, Johnson Prakash D’Lima, Senny Thomas Parackal, Deepak Thomas

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpi.2020.010

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 41-44

Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie is caused by an abnormally short, thick lingual frenum restricting the normal movements and functions of tongue. The lingual frenum may be fibrous or muscular and the tie may be complete or partial. This article describes the surgical management of an 18 year old female patient with ankyloglossia associated with reduced tongue mobility and speech difficulty. The treatment included frenectomy using a diode LASER accompanied by tongue training exercise and speech therapy. The patient showed increased tongue movements with uneventful healing after six months.

Keywords: Ankyloglossia, Lingual frenectomy, Diode LASER.

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