Basal implants- A new era of prosthodontic dentistry

Authors : Kunal Kumar, Kunal Kumar, Sudhanshu Kumar, Sudhanshu Kumar, Revati Singh, Revati Singh, Vikas Vaibhav, Vikas Vaibhav, Neal Bharat Kedia, Neal Bharat Kedia

DOI : 10.18231/j.aprd.2020.001

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 1-3

Implant dentistry has a long historical perspective. Its practical implementation started decades ago. Since ancient times, search begins for the rehabilitation of edentulous arches. With continuous development and advancements in all aspects of dentistry a new era of implant dentistry has just begun. An adequate knowledge of bone physiology, implant placement protocol, implant design, single-stage implant surgery, and immediate loading of implants with analytical approach is must for the success of basal implants as treatment modality. The present review article discusses about how basal implants emerged as a treatment option for edentulous arches.

Keywords: Basal, Dentistry, Implants, Prosthodontic, Single stage.

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