Lennox gastaut syndrome- A case report and review of treatment protocol

Authors : Poonam Prakash, Poonam Prakash, S K Bhandari, S K Bhandari, Manab Kosala, Manab Kosala

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmpo.2020.002

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 5-9

Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) is a severe pediatric epilepsy syndrome characterized by mixed seizures, cognitive decline, and generalized slow (<3Hz>Seizures are often resistant to therapy. Atonic seizures result in dangerous drop attacks with risks of injury and impairment of the quality of life. The seizures are frequently resistant to multiple antiepileptic (AED) drugs. The non pharmacological treatments such as the ketogenic diet, vagus nerve stimulation, and epilepsy surgery should be considered when multidrug therapy is of  limited  help.

This paper aims to present a case report along with an updated comprehensive outline of LGS and the available medical, surgical and dental treatments. Further long term randomized controlled trials are required to compare efficacy of different therapeutic interventions.

Keywords: Lennox Gataut syndrome, Pediatric epilepsy, Ketogenic diet.

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