An insight to the keratocystic tumour in the anterior mandible– A case report

Authors : Rakhi Chandak, Runal Bansod, Ramhari Sathawane, Ashish Lanjekar, Devendra Palve

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmi.2020.005

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 15-19

Background: Keratocystic odontogenic tumour has been identified as a "tumour" after its consistent neoplastic progression and detailed assessment of its biological behaviour and genetic abnormalities. Keratocystic odontogenic tumour can transform into more aggressive lesions such as ameloblastoma and primary intraosseous carcinoma very rarely.1 This manuscript discusses an unusual case which presented as a diagnostic dilemma due to its occurrence in the anterior mandible due to its varied clinical and radiological features paralleling with the features of other similar pathologies occurring in the anterior mandible.
Methods: A 23 year old male patient presented to the outpatient department of Oral Medicine & Radiology with pain in his anterior mandibular teeth. After panoramic and cone beam computed tomographic scans, a unilocular radiolucency was seen suggestive of a tumour. Decortication of the lesion was done followed by application of Carnoy’s solution through intraoral incision and the lesion was excised.
Results: The surgical procedures were performed without any complications. The patient was followed up for 6 months and no recurrence was noted post surgery.
Conclusion: Proper diagnosis, conservative treatment of the tumour, use of solutions like the Carnoy’s solution & a long term follow up protocol plays a very marked role in the management of odontogenic keratocyst.

Keywords: keratocystic odontogenic tumour, Odotogenic keratocyst, Tumour, Mandible, Decortication, Carnoy’s solution

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