Effect of breast milk and natural drying regimens on cord separation time and signs of infection among neonates

Authors : Darling Bibiana, Darling Bibiana, Princy Rajan, Princy Rajan

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcaap.2019.002

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 5-10

Introduction: In order to prevent bacterial colonization and cross infection tropical antimicrobial agent is applied to the umbilical stump at birth and for the first few days. Among those, cleaning with breast milk is one of an avenue for cord care which can be performed anywhere, requires no special equipment, which is also cost effective. Breast milk is full of mother’s antibody that preventively helps babies develop immunity to illness. Breast milk contains live antibodies that fight bacteria. It is therefore a naturally existing antibacterial agent. The aim of the study was to find the effect of breast milk & natural drying modalities on cord separation time and signs of infection among neonates. An evaluative approach with post – test only design with control group was used for the study. The sample consisted of 60 neonates’ selected using purposive sampling method and randomized into two groups. The findings revealed that the mean score of group 1(20±0.00), who had been treated with breast milk was more than the group 2(18.60± 0.932) on day seven. Among the two groups, group I had the highest F-ratio i.e 607.501. And the mean score of group 1 from day 2 to day 7(14.13± 0.346, 17.50± 0.960, 19.20± 0.997, 20± 0.00, 20± 0.00, 20± 0.00 respectively) was more than group 2(12± 0.830, 13.77± 0.504, 15.07± 0.365, 16.70± 0.535, 18.17± 0.648, 18.60± 0.932 respectively). This finding reveals that treatment I was found to be more effective in cord separation time. No significant association was found between treatment I and selected demographic variables whereas significant association was found between treatment II and type of delivery.
Conclusion: Application of breast milk hastens the cord separation time and there were no signs of infection in any of the groups. Hence breast milk is a cost effective method for umbilical cord care.

Keywords: Breast milk, Natural drying, Cord separation time, Signs of infection, Neonates.

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