Combined odontogenic tumour-odontogenic keratocyst and ameloblastic fibroma: A case report

Authors : Saima Tariq, Altaf Hussain Chalkoo

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmi.2020.007

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 24-28

Occurence of combined odontogenic tumours is rare. These lesions are also named as hybrid lesions. Histologic features of these lesions are often identical to other odontogenic neoplasms such as ameloblastoma, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, ameloblastic ?broma (AF), and ameloblastic ?bro-odontoma. With variable clinical presentation, ranging from cysts to neoplasms, these lesions show varying degrees of aggressive behaviour. Mostly these combined tumors contain features of one of the odontogenic tumors in combination with either a cyst or tumor. We present a case report of combined odontogenic tumor; an odontogenic keratocyst with an ameloblastic fibroma. Prediction of clinical outcome of such lesions becomes challenging owing to their paucity. It becomes important to understand their salient features so that differentiation from the more common conventional neoplasms distinctly helps to expand classi?cation and provide prognostic criteria.

Keywords: Combined odontogenic tumors, Hybrid odontogenic tumors, Odontogenic keratocyst, Ameloblastic fibroma.

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