Diagnostic utility of core biopsy in histomorphologic evaluation of prostatic carcinoma

Authors : Disha Shetty, Karthik Hariprasad Shetty, Muktha R Pai

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2020.058

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 304-308

Background: Core biopsy is a minimal invasive procedure that can help in a definitive diagnosis.
Clinicopathological correlation is necessary for early detection of prostate cancer.
Objective:To correlate histomorphological features of prostatic lesions with clinical data by evaluating
core biopsy.
Materials and Methods:The present study was conducted in Department of Pathology in a tertiary care
hospital. Fifty eight prostatic core biopsies which were clinically suspicious of malignancy with Digital
Rectal Examination, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels and Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) /magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) findings were considered.
Results: Eighty six percent of the suspected cases turned out to be malignant. Most of the patients were of
age group 66-75 years. The most common chief complaint was lower urinary tract symptoms. On Digital
Rectal Examination, 64% of cases presented with hard prostate and prostatomegaly. 86% of the cases
had PSA level >10ng/ml. TRUS was performed in 45% of cases and MRI in remaining 55% of cases. The
commonest Prognostic Grade Group was V, Modified Gleason score was 9, Gleason pattern was 4. Prostatic
intraepithelial neoplasia was associated in 45% of the cases. 21% of the cases presented with extraprostatic
Conclusion: Prostatic core biopsy along with clinical correlation stands out to be a good screening test
in association with histomorphologic evaluation for the early diagnosis in clinically suspicious cases of
prostatic carcinoma.

Keywords: Prostate cancer, Core biopsy, Gleason, Prognostic grade group.

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