Prevalence of dental esthetic proportions and its correlation with Dentogenics in Maharashtrian population- A cross sectional study

Authors : Poonam Prakash, Rahul Bahri

DOI : 10.18231/j.aprd.2022.030

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 150-156

Background: Artistic and scientific principles play a vital role in esthetic smile designing. These principles can be established through data collected from patients, diagnostic models, dental research, scientific measurements and basic artistic concepts of beauty in nature. Various proportions have been identified by many authors and attempts have been made to apply those proportions in smile designing to improve the esthetic outcome of rehabilitation. This study aims to ascertain the most prevalent dental proportion existing in natural dentition based on photographic data, to be utilized in clinical application.
Objectives: 1. To investigate and compare the existence of Golden proportion, Recurring Esthetic Dental, Preston proportion and Golden Percentage in maxillary anterior teeth in dentate population using digital photographs and software analysis; 2. Correlation of the dental esthetic proportions with dentogenic concept.
Materials and Methods: Fifty dentate individuals with full complement of maxillary anterior teeth were selected for the study. Digital photographs (frontal) were taken from a standardized distance. Mesiodistal width of individual tooth was taken at incisal contact with adjacent tooth and readings were tabulated. Ratio of adjacent teeth was calculated for evaluation of dental esthetic proportions. The width of each tooth was used to calculate the golden percentage and results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis.
Results: For Golden proportion, distribution of mean delta (difference between observed and reference data) for all parameters differs significantly from the reference standard (p-value<0>0.05 for all). Mean overall absolute delta value for standards such as Golden percentage, RED proportion, Preston proportion and Golden proportion is 1.62, 7.42, 9.00 and 10.54 respectively. Distribution of mean overall delta for either ratios did not differ significantly across three demographic variables studied in the study group (p-value>0.05).
Conclusion: Based on results, it was found that golden percentage was most prevalent for all age groups, irrespective of gender and difference in personality types. Other commonly occurring standards (in ascending order) based on delta value after Golden percentage are RED proportion, Preston proportion and Golden proportion respectively.

Keywords: Golden proportion, Recurring Esthetic Dental, Preston proportion, Golden Percentage, Dentogenic

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