Potential risk factors their management strategies in prosthodontic practice

Authors : Sanju Malik, Sanju Malik, Anshul Chugh, Anshul Chugh

DOI : 10.18231/j.aprd.2020.013

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 47-51

Prosthodontists, laboratory technicians, students and other people working within the clinical setup and
laboratory should be aware of all the potential risk factors and necessary measures to prevent and protect
themselves as well as the patient. This article intent to reaserch various hazards and risks involved in
prosthodontic practice. These risks include expoure to chemical, physical hazards, infectious environment,
psychosocial hazards and various others. Prevention from these hazards and risk factors is also highlighted.

Keywords: Health hazards, Occupational hazards, Stress infectious disease, Control measures, Noise, Ergonomic hazards.

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