Knowledge and attitude of infertile couples attending rural tertiary care centre

Authors : Gomathy E, Kondareddy Radhika, Suman Shivanagoud Patil, Ruth Sneha

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2020.037

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 177-181

Introduction: Infertility defines as the inability to conceive naturally after one year of regular unprotected
sexual intercourse. The chance to conceive depends on the length of sexual exposure, frequency of coitus
and couples age. Only 5% of the couples will conceive after one and half year or two years. Both males
and females are equally responsible for the causes. Factors contributing to infertility have included male
factors (sperm abnormality), female factors (an ovulation), couple factors (luteal phase defect, poor sperm
production) and factors of unknown origin. Infertility has always existed but is now recognized as a global
reproductive health problem and as an important component of reproductive health. It is a world wide health
concern and affects 8 -15% of couples. The knowledge regarding fertility and biology of reproduction was
poor. Many women have little awareness about the fertility period and the risk factors.
Aim and Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge and attitude of infertile couples attending gynecological
OPD. 2. To assess the possible risk factors and social consequences towards infertility.
Materials and Methods: This is a cross sectional observational study conducted on infertility patients
attending to R l Jalappa hospital and research centre from February 2018 to July 2018.we designed a fertility
questionnaire for both the partners with questions covering knowledge and attitude towards infertility.
Results: Out of 154 couples, prevalence of primary and secondary infertility was 72.1% and 27.9%
respectively. The mean duration of infertility was 2.97 years. On scoring their level of knowledge, (n=
80) had inadequate, (n= 68) had moderate knowledge and (n= 6) had adequate knowledge. There was no
statistically significant difference in the knowledge in relation to their educational qualification and type of
infertility among participants.

Keywords: Infertility, Knowledge, Attitude, Misconceptions.

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