Prevention from Corona Virus while performing operation in OT by innovating indigenous simple face mask shield

Authors : Sudhir Singh, Sudhir Singh

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijirm.2020.031

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 132-134

There is crisis of availability of PPE and proper facemasks to get protected while operating patients
irrespective of Corona virus infection in OT in our place during present time in March-April 2020. So
necessity is mother of invention. I devised a method of indigenously creating face mask shield for OT
purpose to tide over the crisis period till proper PPE kit and better shield masks are available to us as
frontline COVID19 warriors in OT. It seems to be good indigenous method to cross over the present crisis
of proper PPE for facial masks. It gives the wearer a welcome sense of security. It feels like I am behind a
shield and that in itself can be reassuring to be protected from direct onslaught of Corona virus.

Keywords: Corona, Mask shield, N95, Plastic OHP A4 sheet, Surgical mask.

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