Hearing outcome between stapes graft assembly and stapes cartilage graft assembly in chronic otitis media active squamous disease

Authors : Anuj Shah, Rupa Parikh, Vikram Patel

DOI : 10.18231/2581-5229.2018.0008

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 24-26

Introduction: The cholesteatoma is a sac lined by keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium in the middle ear cleft with continuous desquamated epithelium arranged like onion skin layers. It is also known as the non-malignant bone destroying disease of the middle ear cleft. Our study aims to compare the hearing outcome in these active sqamosal cases after doing stapes-cartilage-graft assembly and stapes-graft assembly in patients undergoing reconstruction in canal wall down mastoidectomy with type III tympanoplasty.
Materials and Method: Total number of 50 patients with chronic otitis media active squamous disease, who had undergone different types of ossicular chain reconstruction by type III tympnoplasty with canal wall down mastoidectomy between January 2017 and September 2017, were enrolled in the study. Post-operative hearing gain were evaluated by pure tone audiometry at 6 months after surgery.
Results: In terms of air-bone gap, stapes cartilage graft assembly patients have more improvement in hearing than patients with stapes graft assembly. We found 11.2 DB improvement with stapes-cartilage-graft assembly as compared to 5.76 DB in stapes-graft assembly.
Conclusion: Canal wall down mastoidectomy with type III tympnoplasty, stapes-cartilage-graft assembly technique have more hearing improvement than stapes graft assembly technique.

Keywords: Chronic Otitis Media active squamosal type, Mastoidectomy, Stapes-Cartilage-Graft Assembly, Stapes Graft Assembly.

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