Awareness about paediatric cataract among the middle aged patients attending ophthalmology OPD: A teaching hospital survey

Authors : Rathnamma J, Vidhya M J

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2020.046

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 213-216

Aim: To study the awareness about paediatric cataract in middle aged patients attending the teaching
hospital OPD.
Materials and Methods: 200 willing participants in the middle age (30-60 years), were selected from the
ophthalmology OPD. Each participant was given the questionnaire enquiring their knowledge about the
paediatric cataract. The questionnaire was in the regional language. The questionnaire was orally asked to
the illiterate participants. The response to each question was recorded.
Results: 64(32%) participants out of 200 knew that cataract can affect children. 25(12.5%) of them were
aware of the fact that the paediatric cataract can cause permanent blindness. 30(15%) knew about the few
factors during pregnancy which can cause cataract in new born. 30(15%) knew about the availability of the
treatment for the paediatric cataract.
Conclusion: Majority of the participants recruited showed very low level of awareness regarding the
paediatric cataract. The knowledge regarding the consequences and availability of treatment was also very
low. Higher literacy level in the participants was associated with increased awareness. Paediatric cataract
which contributes to high blind person years and it being an avoidable cause of childhood blindness can be
managed at the community level in a better way by increasing its awareness.

Keywords: Awareness, Middle age, Paediatric cataract.

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