A clinical study of association between asteroid hyalosis and diabetes mellitus

Authors : Jitendra Kumar, Samya Singh, Amisha Garg

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2020.050

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 231-234

Aim: to study the association between asteroid hyalosis and diabetes mellitus.
Material and Methods: This study was carried out in the Department of Ophthalmology, MLB Medical
College, Jhansi between February 2019- December 2019 on patients diagnosed with asteroid hyalosis on
routine examination. A total of 80 patients who showed evidence of asteroid hyalosis were further sent for
random blood sugar and HbA1c levels. They were then divided into two groups-group A was diabetic and
group B-non diabetic
Results: The median age of presentation was between 40-75 years. 80 patients diagnosed with asteroid
hyalosis were divided into two groups; Group A with diabetes and Group B without diabetes. In Group
A there were 68.42% males (13) and 31.58% females (6) and in Group B there were 70.50% males (43)
and 29.50% females(18). In group A 63.16% (12) patients showed unilateral eye involvement and 36.84%
(7) patients showed bilateral eye involvement while in group B 80.33%(49) patients showed unilateral eye
involvement and 19.67% (12) patients showed bilateral involvement. The mean random blood sugar was
found to be 239.26+38.37 mg/dl in group A while in group B it was found to be 132.31+26.26 mg/dl. The
p-value was found to be <0> was found to be 8.4+1.3% in group A whereas in group B it was 5.40.6%.The p-value was found to be
<0> Conclusion: There appears to be significant association between asteroid hyalosis and diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: Asteroid hyalosis, Diabetes mellitus.

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