Role of demodex infestation in blepharitis and coconut oil as a treatment option

Authors : Suresha A R, Sadhwini M H

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2020.058

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 270-275

Purpose: To assess incidence of demodex species, correlate ocular symptomatology, evaluate efficacy of
coconut oil as treatment method in all types of blepharitis.
Materials and Methods: 30 patients with anterior & mixed blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction
& non-specific irritation were enrolled for study. History taken & examined clinically. 2 lashes/lid were
sampled & mounted on slides with normal saline & observed under light microscope. Number of mites
counted. Patients positive for demodex were treated with coconut oil application over lid margins &
reviewed after 3 weeks.
Results: Incidence of demodex was 40% & it increased with age. Demodex was commonly associated with
meibomian gland dysfunction, non-specific irritation, madarosis, cloudy & toothpaste like meibum quality.
Burning sensation and itching were common complaints. At 3rd week, all patients were symptom-free.
Mite count dropped by 52.8% but were not eliminated.
Conclusion: Demodex infestation is often overlooked but it is associated with about half of blepharitis
cases. Hence further evaluation should be considered. Coconut oil is an easily available mode of treatment
& helps reduce symptoms and mite counts.

Keywords: Anterior blepharitis, Demodex infestation, Meibomian gland dysfunction, Non-specific irritation.

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