Rubber production incentive scheme (RPIS) for cultivators and its effectiveness in Kasaragod district

Authors : N Karunakaran, N Karunakaran, Jeeshma Vijayan VP, Jeeshma Vijayan VP

DOI : 10.18231/j.jmra.2020.014

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 64-67

Cultivation of rubber was spread widely during the last 25 years in Kerala and is the second largest crop. The wide spread of rubber shows that around 90 percent of natural rubber in India is contributed by Kerala. The economic development of any nation depends on industries including agro based industries. Rubber industry is one of the important agro-based industries and natural rubber producers faced many problems relating to its price. Government has introduced many schemes for the development of this crop and Rubber Production Incentive Scheme (RPIS) is a programme which guarantees a minimum price of Rs.150 per kilogram for rubber. There has been a slight change in the area of rubber after this and the study reached a conclusion that farmers are effectively managing their costs through this scheme.

Keywords: Rubber, RPIS, Small rubber cultivators; Effectiveness, Kasaragod.

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