To study the concept of ‘suvarnprashan sanskar ‘and its role in today’s era

Authors : Nileema Shisode, Nileema Shisode

DOI : 10.18231/j.jpmhh.2020.001

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 1-4

Purpose: Suvrnprashan is one of the oldest traditions of India. Suvarnprashan is described since Vedic
era. Now a days as an immunization program suvarnprashan is promoted to leak on the occasion of pushya
nakshatra. Today we give immunization schedule against particular disease. We give different dosage for
different single bacteria or few viruses. Suvarnprashan is an immune modulator and this is a treatment
concept of new era. It is a cost effective remedy for immune modulation. To decide definite dose of
suvarnprhan and to understand its benefits as per Ayurveda text is purpose of this article.
Method: In this article I tried to recollect references in ayurvedic text and web search of research articles.
Result: Suvarnprashan when regularly administered it increases baby’s immunity, strength, appetite,
complexion, and health. With the help of text, I decided its dosage and formula. 1.25mg per kilogram
will be the ideal dose of suvarnbhasma. It should be administered with honey and medicated ghruta like
mahakalyanak ghruta, brahmi ghruta or panchagavya ghruta. Its clinical study is carried out at Shree
panchakarma and beauty clinic since May 2016, to state its findings will be the outlook of next article.
Conclusion: Suvrnprashan is effective immune modulator treatment which increases baby’s strength,
appetite, complexion, and health. Its standard dose should be 1.25 mg/kg body weight of standard
suvarn bhasm mixed with uneven quantity of medicated ghee and honey and allow licking it at least on
pushyanakshatra with chanting holy mantra.we should respect indication and contraindication of lehan as
described by Aacharya Kashyap.

Keywords: Suvarnprashan, Hiranya, Kanak, Baby, Immunity, Gold, Intelligence, Pushya, Complexion.

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