Comparison of video laryngoscopy and direct laryngoscopy during endotracheal intubation- A prospective comparative randomized study

Authors : Neha Panwar, Hemant Vanjare, Manisha Kumari, V S Bhatia, K K Arora

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijca.2020.080

Volume : 7

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 438-443

Introduction: Direct laryngoscopy is most widely used method of oro-tracheal intubation but at times
it could be difficult, and may lead to adverse effect on cardiovascular system. Video laryngoscopy in
contrast provides better visualisation of airway making oro-tracheal intubation easy. The aim of this study
was to prospectively compare the use of Video laryngoscope (Glidescope) versus the direct (Macintosch)
laryngoscope blade for routine airway management
Materials and Methods: A prospective randomised comparative study was done by randomly allocating
patients undergoing elective surgery to one of two Groups comprising 50 patients in each as: Group Iindirect
laryngoscope (Video) and Group D-Direct (Macintosh) laryngoscope. After induction patients
were intubated according to group allotted. Ease of intubation and other haemodynamic parameters were
recorded at numerous intervals as follow: baseline, after induction of anaesthesia, one and five minutes
after intubation.
Results: Time required for the laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation in Group I i.e. indirect (18.50
seconds) was more as compared to Group D direct (11.76 seconds) with statistical significance. The
Group I procedure significantly reduced tracheal intubation difficulty score and the ease of intubation was
statistically insignificant as compared to that of Group D. It was found that there was a significantly better
Modified Cormack Lehane Grade in Group I(100%) as compared to Group D(65%).
Conclusion: Video laryngoscopy (Glidescope) is considered advantageous over conventional direct
laryngoscope (Macintosh) in terms of lower intubation difficulty score (IDS), better ease of intubation
and lower grades of Modified Cormack Lehane Grade with indirect laryngoscopy). It can be used as a
teaching tool for novice intubators and offers a new approach to tracheal intubation.

Keywords: Video laryngoscopy, Glidescope, Airway management, Laryngoscopes.

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