A rare case of inclusion body fibromatosis

Authors : Maria Reji, Sonia Mary Thomas, Jessy M M

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2023.023

Volume : 10

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 106-107

Infantile digital fibromatosis is a marked fibrous proliferation of infancy characterized by occurrence in the fingers and toes and a marked tendency for local recurrence. It accounts for 0.2% of registered soft tissue tumors. The lesion rarely exceeds 2 cm and tends to regress spontaneously. The presence of characteristic inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm of neoplastic fibroblasts distinguishes it from other fibromatosis. Current treatment recommendations include function-preserving excision and intralesional steroid injections for symptomatic lesions. Although lesions recur more than 60% of the time after excision, the ultimate prognosis is excellent.

Keywords: Inclusion body fibromatosis, Infants, Cytoplasmic inclusions.

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