Novel corona virus disease and spectrum of its neurological manifestations: A systematic review

Authors : Vijay Sardana, Bharat Bhushan, Dilip Maheshwari, Pankaj

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijn.2020.031

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 148-151

Objective: Spectrum of Neuroinvasion and its manifestations during recently emerged pandemic of corona virus disease (COVID-19). A comprehensive review to look at differences from earlier manifestation of corona virus.
Materials and Methods: A Systemic search of online data bases including Pubmed and Scopus upto May 31, 2020 was done with use of following key words : COVID -19/novel corona virus and brain/CNS/neurological/Neuroinvasion/ SARS-COV 2. The review was based on the selected relevant articles.
Observation: Through online search amongst several articles only few studies are relevant to our aims and objectives. This article summarize spectrum of neurological manifestations in COVID 19.The protean manifestation were in the form of taste or olfactory disorder, headache, acute cerebrovascular disease, encephalopathy, encephalitis, myositis and Guillain-barre syndrome.
Conclusion: Corona virus infection primarily affects of respiratory system but neurological involvement in also frequently observed and associated with poor outcome. Each COVID 19 patients should be evaluated for neurological involvement clinically followed by investigations (Electrophysiology, brain imaging, CSF analysis for novel corona virus) as needed. So that early treatment of complications can improve outcome.

Keywords: Covid 19, Encephalitis, Olfactory and taste, Guillain Barre Syndrome.

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