Psychiatric profile, depression and body dysmorphic disorder in patients with amputation

Authors : Harsha G T, Ashok Kumar KS

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijn.2020.033

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 158-162

Introduction: Amputation due to trauma is a catastrophic injury and causes major disability in most of the cases. Loss of limb is associated with low self-esteem, body image disturbance, social isolation and also a sense of stigmatization. In many conditions amputation is unavoidable. Irrespective of the aetiology, amputation is considered as a mutilating surgery and it affects the lives of the patients. Limb amputation is a more commonly occurring event in the present society. In this present study, we are going to study socio-demographic profile and psychiatric morbidities of patients with amputation.
Materials and Methods: In cross sectional study, a total of 30 consecutive patients with amputation were chosen and assessed within the period of two to six weeks after amputation.
Results: Our results showed that psychiatric morbidity is high in amputated patients. High scores of depression and anxiety were found in all patients and also considerable percentage of the sample had a high score on Body Dysmorphic disorder rating scale too.

Keywords: Depression, Anxiety, Body dysmorphic, Amputees.

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