Assessment of efficacy of digital panoramic radiography as a diagnostic tool for evaluating general bone density

Authors : N Kannan, Rakesh Kumar Manne, Somisetty Mahalakshmi Mounika, Prathi Venkata Sarath, Swapna Sridevi

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmi.2020.020

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 79-82

Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of digital panoramic radiography as a diagnostic tool in detecting general
skeletal bone density and to compare its accuracy with a DEXA scan.
Methodology: Seventy persons of age 50 years and above, scheduled to undergo DEXA scan and willing
to participate in this study, were taken for panoramic radiography. Densitometric values were compared
between DEXA scan and digital panoramic radiography, and collected data were subjected to statistical
Results: Statistical significant difference (P-value < 0> osteopenic/osteoporotic persons. No statistically significant difference (P-value > 0.05) in the values was
observed between DEXA scan and digital panoramic radiography groups.
Conclusion: Based on the outcomes, it was concluded that general skeletal bone density could be
favourably assessed in the mandible using densitometric analysis with digital panoramic radiography.

Keywords: Digital panoramic radiography, Bone density.

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