A comparative morphological study of human hyoid bone in Malwa Region of Central India

Authors : Narayan Parmar, Narayan Parmar, Vijay Chouhan, Vijay Chouhan, Ravi Jain, Ravi Jain, Manish Chaturvedi, Manish Chaturvedi

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcap.2020.066

Volume : 7

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 320-322

There are many tools and a technique for identification of sex in unknown human skeletons one of them
is morph metric study of the human hyoid bone is a useful tool. Work for hyoid bone with respect weight
and different measurement of identification of sex. In our study 32 male and 18 female bones of age group
range 15 to 60 years were received from the human deceased body during post-mortem. In greater part
dimension there is a obvious dissimilarity between male & female hyoid bone. The Mean, Range, SD & all
parameter of the hyoid bone were calculated by the typical technique.
Materials and Methods: The material include 50 specimens of hyoid bones received from deceased
human body during dissection, museum at Index medical college institute and research centre at Indore
and autopsy at M.G.M Medical College, Indore from 2013-2016. Out of 200 medico legal cases in the age
range from 15 years to 60 years, measurements carried out with the help of vernier caliper & electronic
weighing machine.
Result: The consequences of these boundary female qualities are not exactly the in male. The mean vertical
length between center of the foremost surface of the body & cross over line drawn between the tubercles of
more cornua in the midline in males is 36.8123.16 mm & in females is 32.31 2.44 mm, the distinction
being significant (p value < 0> Conclusion: The investigations of the male human hyoid bone for the principal of the estimations were
more when contrasted with the estimations of female human hyoid bones. In a large portion of the
boundaries there was a clear differentiation between the estimations of both male female. For recognition
of sex in these bones, single figuring may not be adequate to choose the sex of the bones and it gets required
to see all the estimation before choosing the sex of a unidentified hyoid bone.

Keywords: Anthropometry, Greater cornua, Lesser cornua, Hyoid bone.

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