Correlation of peripheral smear with RBC indices and RBC histogram in the diagnosis of anemia

Authors : Lori Swami, Lori Swami, Nainshi Bhatt, Nainshi Bhatt, Gloria Khumanthem, Gloria Khumanthem, Isha Bansal, Isha Bansal, Sheetal Sale, Sheetal Sale

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2020.109

Volume : 7

Issue : 4

Year : 2020

Page No : 543-549

Introduction: In haematological disorders morphological changes in RBCs plays a vital role. The RBCs
indices were always correlated with peripheral smear findings. This study was done to understand the
importance of histogram and peripheral smear findings.
Materials and Methods: EDTA blood sample from patients of anemia was run on Nihon Kohden Five
part automated cell counter and peripheral smears were prepared for 3 months in tertiary hospital. The
correlation between microscopic findings in RBCs morphology with cell counter histograms was done.
Result: Total 176 patients of anemia were studied. The females were 130 (73.86%) and males were
46 (26.17%). Microcytic hypochromic anemia was common and was seen in 64.77% followed by
Normochromic normocytic anemia which was seen in 19.31%, Dimorphic anemia in 11.93%, Macrocytic
anemia in 2.84%, and Pancytopenia in 1.13%. In microcytic anemia the curve was shifted to left, in
macrocytic anemia the shift was towards right side, and dimorphic anemia shows bimodal peak.
Conclusion: For diagnosis of anemia peripheral smear findings were definitive and histogram can be used
as supplementary tool.

Keywords: Histogram, RBC, Anemia, Peripheral Smear.

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