Treatment of angular bone defect using flap with GTR membrane and bone graft substitute with 1 year follow up: A case report

Authors : Tanusha Sharma, Charu Agrawal

DOI : 10.18231/j.jds.2020.007

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 26-29

Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and the role of a resorbable membrane Guided
Tissue Regeneration (GTR) with a bone graft substitute in the management of angular bone defect.
Methodology: An angular bone defect of 10 mm was evident between the maxillary second premolar and
first molar. After proper debridement, the defect was filled up with a bone graft substitute and covered with
a resorbable GTR membrane.
Results: The site showed significant bony fill at the end of 9 months with the reduction in probing depth.
The results were well maintained at the time of last follow- up which was 1 year post-operatively.
Conclusion: In this case, where angular defect was associated with localised periodontitis, good results
were obtained with bone fill in relation to probing depth reduction. The results were excellent and stable
till the last follow up at 1 year.

Keywords: Angular defect, Localised Periodontitis, GTR membrane.

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