Treatment of gingival recession on lower lateral incisor lingually using Mucograft® A Case Report

Authors : Fariya Ashraf, Sunaina Boro, Eiti Aggarwal, Rahul Chopra, Nikhil Sharma

DOI : 10.18231/j.jds.2020.009

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 34-38

Treatment of lingual recession on the mandibular anteriors is not a regularly implemented procedure owing
to its anatomical restraints, difficulty in isolation as well as lack of esthetic importance. The present case
report describes the application of Mucograft® as an alternate to connective tissue graft in the treatment
of mandibular lingual recession using minimally invasive tunneling technique. The surgical technique
comprises preparation of full thickness tunnel to treat a narrow and deep gingival recession of 5mm
midlingually with minimal attached gingiva and keratinized tissue width of 1mm in the right mandibular
lateral incisor region and then placement of a mucograft within the prepared tunnel and securing it in place
using sling sutures. 21 days follow up showed satisfactory results both in terms of root coverage as well as
reduction of dentinal hypersensitivity.
Thus, it can be concluded that lingual root coverage with a minimally invasive full thickness tunneling
technique and Mucograft® successfully resolves the problems of dentinal hypersensitivity, proper plaque
control along with the restoration of periodontal soft tissues.

Keywords: Recession, Lingual, Mucograft.

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