Calcified triticeous cartilage in cone beam computed tomography: A radiographic observation

Authors : Shilpa Padar Shastry, E Sham, Naveen Kumar, Veerendra Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/j.jooo.2020.045

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2020

Page No : 208-211

Triticeous cartilage (TC) is a small, ovoid cartilage present within the lateral thyrohyoid ligament which may undergo calcification and becomes visible in the radiographic examination. Calcified triticeous cartilage (CTC) are confused with other soft tissue calcification in that region both symptomatically
or radiographically. Although CTC are seen in panoramic radiographs, its exact location, shape and association with adjacent structures are difficult to discern. Objectives of this article is to report a case of CTC, which reported to our department with vague symptoms. Upon CBCT examination, CTC was evident and hence this article highlights the CBCT features of CTC and literature review.

Keywords: Calcification, Triticeous cartilage, Cone beam computed tomography.

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