Debonding of Orthodontic Ceramic brackets: A comprehensive review of the literature – Part 2

Authors : Karthikeyan Subramani, Prashanti Bollu

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijodr.2020.024

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2020

Page No : 114-119

The purpose of this 2 part review is to evaluate various debonding techniques for orthodontic ceramic bracket removal and their clinical applications. In this part 2 of the literature review, in vitro and in vivo studies on electrothermal debonding and Laser debonding techniques have been reviewed. Electrothermal debonding is a physiologically acceptable alternative to mechanical debonding. It requires minimal force following thermal softening of adhesive material and produces minimal changes to enamel surfaces compared to conventional methods. Minimal effects on enamel and intrapulpal temperature changes are noted with ytterbium fiber laser, diode laser and Tm:YAP laser. Different parameters are possible with CO2 laser, Nd:YAG laser and Er:YAG laser that may need further research before considering them in clinical practice.

Keywords: Debonding, Orthodontic ceramic brackets, Literature Review, Electrothermal debonding, Laser debonding.

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