Assessment of outcome in surgically treated traumatic extradural haematoma patients

Authors : Bhavuk Kapoor, Bhavuk Kapoor, Mayank Kapoor, Mayank Kapoor, Parul Vaid, Parul Vaid

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijashnb.2022.021

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 89-91

Background: In approximately 2% of all patients with head injuries, Extradural haematoma occurs. Immediate diagnosis and surgical evacuation is usually required. Outcome in patient with EDH can be assessed using Glasgow outcome score (GOS). Five parameters of outcome we have measured in our study are - good recovery, moderate disability, severe disability, vegetative state and death.
Matrials and Methods: Assessment of outcome of patient by using Glasgow outcome score (GOS) and assessing the outcome with respect to the initial GCS at admission was done.
Results: Most (51.42%) of the patients were in the age group of 16-31 years. RTA was the most common (51.42%) cause for EDH occurrence. Most of the patients (57.14%) had GCS of 13-15 in our study. Majority of the patients (68.57%) had a Glasgow outcome score of 5, indicating a good outcome. 51.42% of patients having a GCS of 13-15 had a good outcome, whereas 11.42% of patients having GCS of 9-12 and 5.71% of patients having GCS of ? 8 had good outcome.
Conclusions: EDH is one of the most serious complications in head injury. It requires immediate diagnosis and management. Urgent surgical intervention improves the outcome Mild head injury patients (GCS 13-15) have good outcome (GOS 5) as compared to with severe head injury (GCS ? 8) patients. Lower GCS patients have poor outcome.

Keywords: Extradural hematoma, Glasgow coma scale, Glasgow outcome score, Outcome

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