Utilization of outpatient eSanjeevani National Teleconsultation Service during COVID- 19 pandemic in a public healthcare institution in North India

Authors : Kunwar S D S Guleria, Kunwar S D S Guleria, Nitin Patiyal, Nitin Patiyal, Arun Kumar Negi, Arun Kumar Negi, Vikrant Kanwar, Vikrant Kanwar, Kansal Dinesh, Kansal Dinesh

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpp.2020.045

Volume : 7

Issue : 4

Year : 2020

Page No : 265-269

Objectives: To analyse the utilization of outpatient eSanjeevani Telemedicine Service during COVID pandemic in a public healthcare institution in North India by profiling the attributes of patients availing online video consultation in terms of gender, age, urban-rural, organ-system involvement, speciality of OPD service given and prescription analysis.
Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive, cross sectional study done at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Govt. Medical College which served as a hub in a hub & spoke type model for rendering online OPD consultations; on a software platform “eSanjeevani” developed by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Mohali. Data from 206 audio+video based online tele-OPD consultations & their prescriptions were analysed.
Results: Out of a total 206, 114 (55%) were males and 92 (45%) were females. Mean ± S.D. age of patients was 42 ±19.6 years. 146 (71%) connected from rural area and 60 (29%) from urban area. 38 (18%) patients required to be referred to the health-care centre and 46 (22%) patients required a review after blood biochemistry investigations. 76 (37%) were from district Kangra of Himachal Pradesh. The most common organ system involved was musculoskeletal system (19%) followed by skin (18.4%) and gastrointestinal system (16%). The most commonly prescribed class of drugs were NSAIDs & analgesics (36%) antimicrobials (23%) and antihistaminics (18%).
Conclusion: Telemedicine is an innovative solution to many of the challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic. It can help substantially in decreasing the OPD workload in hospitals & decreasing infection chances for both patients & hospital staff.

Keywords: COVID- 19, Remote Consultation, Teleconsultation, Telemedicine.

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