Facial Morphology and Malocclusion Is there any Relation? A Cephalometric Analysis in Hazaribag Population

Authors : Lall R, Kumari S, Sahu A, Kumar V, Thakur S, Rai S, Bharti P

DOI : 10.18231/j.jco.2018.021

Volume : 2

Issue : 2

Year : 2018

Page No : 64-69

Introduction: Dentofacial disfigurement and its relation to facial morphology, with specific attention to self-image, personality, social acceptance, and behavior. The ability to predict the magnitude and direction of a patient’s facial growth early in life would enable the clinician to identify those who require interceptive growth modification and to ensure that the appropriate treatment can be rendered while growth is possible.
Materials and method: 58 (30 female and 28 male) Subjects for the present study has been selected randomly from patient treated in Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Hazaribag College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Hazaribag, Jharkhand.
Results: Among the 58 subjects hyperdivergent pattern group found to be smallest (10.3%) with the neutral and hypodivergent patterns are 17.2% and 72.4 % show the distribution of malocclusion among morphological patterns.
Conclusion: This study found mean values of all linear measurements in males are larger than female. Relatively strong correlations are found between lower gonial angle, gonial angle, mandibular plane angle, palatal /mandibular plane angle, Frankfurt/ mandibular plane angle SNB, Y Axis , sum of saddle + articular + gonial angles and posterior facial height.
Keywords: Facial morphology, Hypodivergent, Hyperdivergent, Malocclusion.

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