Altered Behavior: An Infrequent Presentation with Levetiracetam

Authors : Nitin Patiyal, Nitin Patiyal, Amit Bhardwaj, Amit Bhardwaj, Dinesh Kansal, Dinesh Kansal, Atal Sood, Atal Sood, Ankita Chauhan, Ankita Chauhan

DOI : 10.18231/j.jpbs.2020.013

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 87-89

Levetiracetam has been associated with aggressive behavior and mania.We are reporting a case of agitation and aggressive behavior following levetiracetam monotherapy for focal seizure prophylaxis. A 48 years old man, who presented to the neurology department with history of four episodes of sudden onset abnormal body movements. Patient was diagnosed with focal seizures with secondary generalization and was prescribed tablet levetiracetam 500 mg twice a day for seizure prophylaxis. Three weeks later patient presented with complaints of excessive sleepiness during daytime, agitation and aggressive behavior, though seizure free. According to World Health Organization Uppsala monitoring Centre (WHO-UMC) causality assessment system the case was classified as probable/likely for levetiracetam-induced altered behavior. Levetiracetam was discontinued, and tablet  carbamazepine controlled-release 300 mg twice daily was substituted. Within 2 days of switching therapy the agitation and aggression reduced substantially. Although levetiracetam has fewer side effects than traditional antiepileptic medications, but it is imperative to continuously monitor the patient for infrequent adverse effects also, so that required modifications to drug label may be done.

Keywords: Aggression, Agitation, Altered behavior, Levetiracetam.

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