Vault prolapse cases in Dr. Soetomo general hospital Surabaya

Authors : Fadli Sonny, E M Kurniawati

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2021.025

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 117-126

Background: Vault prolapse is often occurred after hysterectomy procedure, and sometimes need a surgical repair.
Objective: Study aimed to investigate the case of vault prolapse in which repeated operative procedures were performed at our teaching hospital, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital.
Materials and Methods: The data in this case report were obtained through medical records and register books form Urogynecology Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology during 2015-2019. We analyse the characteristics of postoperative vault prolapse from patients after transabdominal hysterectomy and transvaginal hysterectomy procedure.
Result: In 2015-2019 there were 16 patients diagnosed with vault prolapse with a preoperative diagnosis of uterine prolapse (16 cases). Of the 16 cases of vault prolapse, 10 cases (62.50%) were post transabdominal hysterectomy procedure, and 6 cases (37.5%) were post transvaginal hysterectomy procedure. From a total of 16 cases of vault prolapse that were reoperated with various procedures. The surgery success
rate was 87.5%.
Conclusion: Various corrective procedures were performed again by the urogynecology division of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Soetomo General Hospital with good result.

Keywords: Vault prolapse, Uterine porlapse, PHVP.

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