Oligohydramnios as a predictor of perinatal and neonatal outcome at a tertiary care centre of Western India

Authors : Nilesh T Shah, Nilesh T Shah, Shivendra Varshney, Shivendra Varshney, Umang Patel, Umang Patel, Sheila Aiyer, Sheila Aiyer

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmpo.2021.008

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 36-40

Background: Substantial number of mothers with decreased amniotic fluid volume Index deliver at our hospital. This study was undertaken with an aim to study the Perinatal-Neonatal outcome in mothers having Severe Oligohydramnios.
Materials and Methods: Prospective Case-Control study carried from April 2016 to November, 2016. In our study, a total of 236 cases and controls were enrolled, out of which 24 were lost to follow up.
Results: There was higher percentage of LSCS as compared to the controls, weight in cases were significantly lower than those of controls, there were more discharged newborns in Controls as compared to Cases, there was higher percentage of Functional Renal morbidities (30.47%) as compared to the controls. 
Conclusions: There was significant difference Neonatal Outcome of Pregnancy with Oligohydramnios with Neonatal Outcome of Gestationally matched Pregnancy with Normal Amniotic Fluid volume. No significant difference found Perinatal-Neonatal Outcome of Pregnancy with Isolated Oligohydramnios and those associated with other Maternal Morbidities.

Keywords: Oligohydramnios, Fetus, Perinatal, Neonatal outcome.

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