Primary malignant melanoma of orbit

Authors : J J Kuli, Bikram Dam, Sunanda Nandi

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2020.029

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2020

Page No : 136-138

Primary malignant melanoma may rarely arise in the orbit, where melanocytes are usually absent. A
43- year old man presented with painful, profuse, unilateral, eccentric proptosis for 1 year. Computed
tomography scan showed intra-ocular mass in posterior chamber of right globe with coarse calcification
and contiguous retrobulbar mass. The patient gave consent for surgical exploration where a well-defined
pigmented mass was seen enchasing the optic nerve. Histopathological workup revealed it to be malignant
melanoma. Metastatic workup came out to be negative. Right eye lid sparing exenteration was done. Hence
in patients presenting with massive unilateral proptosis, primary malignant melanoma though extremely
rare should be one of the suspects.

Keywords: Malignant melanoma, Eye neoplasia, Lid exenteration, Pigmentation.

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