Case report of a Tillaux Chaput fracture in an adult having Becker muscular dystrophy with fracture of medial and posterior malleloli

Authors : Nikhilesh Das, Suman S Mishra

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijos.2021.014

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 91-94

Tillaux fractures are the avulsion of the distal tibial physis caused by the stress placed on the anterior tibio-fibular ligament, which are very rare in case of an adult. Due to severe swelling and overlapping of bones they are often missed in an innocuous looking X ray. Our case includes a 40 year old presented with severe pain and swelling of the ankle joint following trauma on a background history of Becker’s muscular dystrophy .While, the patient had proximal muscle weakness in lower limbs due to the comorbidity, Investigations also revealed the tillaux fracture with fractures of posterior and medial malleolus, which roughly outlines the injury mechanism to be of Supination-external rotation type. The objective of this publication is to highlight this unusual injury, to avoid incorrect diagnosis and its management which focuses on different challenges in achieving absolute reduction with early rehabilitation of the patient keeping in view of the existing co-morbidity.

Keywords: Ankle injury, Adult Tillaux fracture, Chaput fracture syndesmotic injury, Tibiofibular ligament, Becker muscular dystrophy.

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