Study of various clinical features and co morbid status in unilateral sensorineural hearing loss

Authors : Saritha H M, Jagadeeshwaran VU

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijoas.2021.004

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 16-23

Background: Unilateral sensorineural hearing loss (USNHL) is important to be identified and diagnosed early. It is common and can be a symptom of a wide range of diseases. In our region, south India, the USNHL has not been studied before. In this study we report various clinical features and co morbidities associated with USNHL.
Method and Aim: This is a Prospective observational Hospital based study, review of 50 patient with USNHL in the age group above 18yrs. We aim to find the various clinical features and co morbidities associated with USNHL in the south India and comparing the result with a literature review
Result: It was found, 50 cases were presented with unilateral SNHL during the study period. It constitutes 15% of cases screened. Most of our cases had gradual onset of hearing loss. Tinnitus, vertigo and ear discharge were the most common associated symptoms respectively. In our study of the 50 patients, 14 patient had diabetes mellitus of which 2 had hypertension and one was post renal transplant patient. One with dyslipidemia and one with hypothyroidism. Other causes were GERD, epistaxis and fatty liver.
Conclusion: All patients with USNHL need full audiological screening and early diagnosis. Regarding our study, we recommend MRI as part of their diagnostic workup. The choice of diagnostic laboratory tests should be directed by patient risk factors and exposures.

Keywords: Unilateral sensorineural hearing loss, Single side hearing loss Sensorineural hearing loss

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