Clinical study: Evaluation of the effect of topical nepafenac on central foveal thickness and visual acuity post panretinal photocoagulation in diabetic retinopathy

Authors : idyashree VA, Ravi B, Shashidhar Swamy, Vishwanath B N, Swetha Kumari

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2021.016

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 77-81

Objectives: To study the effect of topical nepafenac in patients with diabetic retinopathy following PRP in terms of Central foveal thickness (CFT) and Best corrected visual acuity(BCVA).
Materials and Methods: This is a hospital based randomized control study conducted in Minto ophthalmic hospital, Regional institute of ophthalmology and Bowring and Lady Curzon hospital, from November 2018 to May 2020. Patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) without macular edema were subjected to PRP after detailed clinical evaluation and were divided into test and control groups. All the patients in two groups were matched based on: age, gender, type of diabetes, HBA1C levels and duration of type II diabetes. All patients underwent three sittings of PRP with a gap of one week interval between the sittings. Nepafenac eye (Nevanac, Alcon Laboratories Inc, Texas, USA) drops were used three time a day for a month followed by two time a day for three months in the test group and moxifloxacin eye drops (placebo)(moxicip, Cipla Ltd, India) three time a day for a month followed by two times for 3 months were used in the control group following PRP.
Results: The patients in both test and control group were followed up at 1,2 and 4 months after PRP completion and the changes in CFT and BCVA were recorded. There was increase in CFT on each follow up visit in both test and control group. However increase in CFT in test group was less compared to control group which is statistically significant.(p=0.0001) There was worsening of BCVA in the test group was less compared to control group which is clinically significant but statisticially insignificant.
Conclusion: Using topical Nepafenac eye drops following PRP for PDR is effective in reducing central foveal thickness and preventing the corresponding worsening of BCVA.

Keywords: Panretinal Photocoagulation, OCT, Central Foveal Thickness, Nepafenac.

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