Occular manifestation of a case of lamellar ichthyosis

Authors : Dhruvil V Nayak, Harish Trivedi, Prapti Rathod

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijooo.2023.008

Volume : 9

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 39-41

A baby full term born of LSCS to a otherwise healthy mother was referred for ophthalmology department. On ophthalmological torch light examination, the patient had equal upper and lower lid bilateral ectropion. There was missing eye lashes noted. The anterior segment evaluation was found to be within normal limit without evidence of corneal opacities. Lamellar ichthyosis otherwise termed as Collodion baby is a infrequent disease; and there is no well-known management protocol. The Patient was managed conservatively by the use of Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose (2% w/v) eye ointment and lubricant (Carboxy methyl cellulose 0.5%) eye drops. Thus, surgical intervention was avoided and patient was managed medically on ointments and drops

Keywords: Bilateral ectropion, Collodion

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